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Charging unit


Machine's Characteristics

Operating mode

The main characteristic of charging unit CA1 is to transfer the charge in melting chamber of furnaces in a way extremely rational and fine, with the primary aim to preserve the integrity of furnace sole during this phase of production cycle. More than this particularity, that is the plant characteristic, the ergonomics and the easy use are so careful: in fact, operations to make during different phases are completely automized and integrable with the logic of furnaces function, that the plant has to charge. The main characteristic of charging system used for this plant is to put ingots or charging material on the sole, without creeping or impacts.

The operator role, during the cycle, has been studied so to guarantee that he must constantly pay attention to the unit working, without leaving his position. In this way, operator safety and charging success of furnace are guaranteed.
Charging unit
Charging unit
Charging unit
Charging unit
Charging unit
Charging unit


  +39 030 657309
  +39 030 657248
  P.IVA 03571970171

Via Dell' Industria, 44
Travagliato (BS)

HPDC School
Scuola Pressocolata
Certifications CO.ram - PCT